Adam Sneyd
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Politics Rules

Power, Globalization and Development

Fernwood Publishing and Practical Action Publishing 2019

“Just as [E.F.] Schumacher helped to break new ground in the understanding of development in the 1970s and challenged standard economic approaches to development, so too does Sneyd with his emphasis on the need today for a new critical direction in development studies given the relative neglect of politics in mainstream development thinking and practice.”

Progress in Development Studies

“Sneyd offers a thought-provoking and engaging guide that would be of great use in the classroom, and would also be highly instructive for specialists and development practitioners, themselves so often caught up in the politics of development without fully acknowledging it. Politics Rules offers a framework for understanding the politics of development, recognising its significance and plotting conceptual and practical ways to go beyond the narrow vision of development imposed by ‘the masters of the universe’.”

Gavin Fridell, St. Mary’s University