Adam Sneyd
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Commodity Politics

Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon

SSHRC Insight Grant (IG) 2015-2019

This project assessed political contests over the meaning of ‘responsibility’ in Cameroon, and exposed conflicts over the actions necessary to advance ‘responsibility‘ in that country’s gold, palm, sugar, oil and cocoa sectors. My team produced a multi-authored book on the politics of commodities that was published by McGill-Queen’s University Press (MQUP) in 2022. Check out Franklin Obeng-Odoom's review of this work in the August 2024 issue of the high-impact journal Resources Policy. Beyond the book, I have contributed to a co-authored article on the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline, and also to co-authored chapters on linked to commodities, Cameroon and Africa more generally that are available in a great volume on the Transnational Land Rush in Africa, and also in a fantastic open access(!) volume on Natural Resources in Africa. I am also a co-author on an article on extractives and conservation in other African contexts, and on a handbook chapter on commodities. I presented some initial thoughts on this project at the University of Bremen in 2018.